How to set up online ordering for restaurants

How to set up online ordering for restaurants

The coronavirus is forcing dining establishments to close their doors to dining in. Many restaurants, cafes and coffee shops are ramping up for online food ordering.

Tips for setting up online ordering, if you don’t already have it:

  • Decide if you want to do online ordering or take to go order over the phone.

  • Create a simple website to showcase your menu options Squarespace is a great option.

  • Consider an already established market place for online ordering and delivery, such as

  • Add menu to social media platforms. This can be as simple as taking a photo of you menu and pin it to the top of your facebook wall, along with a message explaining how a patron can order.

  • Add menu to your website, along with instructions on how to order.

  • Use great photos of your food. Use window lighting or hire a photographer to take food photos.

  • Send out an email to customers and let them know you’re open and taking to go orders.

  • Consider a fun incentive for take out orders such as a percentage off wine bottles, a free dessert or gift card specials.

  • Will you be walking orders out to cars? Be sure to communicate directions to customers and staff.

  • Let your staff know how you want to handle take-out orders in a quick all hands meeting call.

If you need help with more ideas, setting up a squarespace website or just need to do a quick brainstorm for solutions contact us. We are here for you.

online orders pizza delivery

why we care.

As real and Authentic people we know it is a difficult time for small businesses like ours. We understand this first hand and are looking for creative ways to be Problem Solvers. We believe in being Engaged with our community and as former servers and bartenders ourselves as well the siblings and even neighbors of restaurant owners we know this time with the Coronavirus hits hard. How do we face a new “normal”? We don’t have all the answers for that, but we do Know What Matters, and that is not doing this alone. That is why we care and plant to Keep it Classy around here and do what we can.

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