Bloom Works Floral Donates Flowers in Council Bluffs


Coronavirus Response from Bloom Works Floral

What can a florist shop do with excess flowers from canceled events?

What do you do with buckets of unused flowers? During a brainstorm session with Bloom Works Floral, it only seemed fitting to donate flowers to the healthcare professionals in our community. They headed off with flowers in tow to Jennie Edmundson and CHI Hospital, with a note attached that said,

“A special thank you for everything that you are doing during this crazy time, hope this brings a smile to your face.”

The hospitals quickly started distributing them to nurses, doctors, staff and patients. An elderly woman, sitting with her walker made it all worth it. Tears streamed down her face as she thanked Carol, from Bloom Works for a small carnation.

We’re proud of Bloom Works Floral for setting an example in kindness and compassion in stressful times.

I’ve always loved the midwest and the community of Council Bluffs, it’s times like these you are reminded of why you moved back, why you chose to move here or why you chose to stay. - Machaela Clark, Co-Owner Tandem Works

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We’re telling small business stories because quite frankly they won’t showcase themselves and everyone should know the good they are doing - Vivian Kvam, Co-Owner Tandem Works

Do you know a story that needs told of people or businesses stepping up in boldness and not fear during the Coronavirus crisis? Contact us

Machaela Clark