How to write a Covid-19 Promise

Copy of Copy of Yellow Pink and Purple Be Ready to Fight Covid-19 Instagram Post (1).png

Write a Covid-19 Promise that build advocates not adversaries

Creating clear expectations for your clients and guests during the Covid-19 restrictions is an opportunity to wow them with how your business is handling a difficult situation.

We all know that posting anything about coronavirus related mandates, policies and restrictions on social media can open up a can of worms that some small business owners shy away from. However by taking the time to craft a sensitive, firm and professional Covid-19 promise and clearly posting and sharing can strengthen your client relationships. A well written and sensitive statement will help build advocates not adversaries.

Keep the language upbeat and positive. Even when passing on “mandates” they don’t need to sound like a drill Sargent barking orders. Remember these are your clients, guest and employees you are talking to. How would you share the information if you were talking in person?

Tips for writing a great Covid-19 Policy

  • Write in a personal and friendly tone

  • State why following these policies are important

  • Consider an “our promise to you” and a “your promise to us” section

  • Keep your statements short and clear

  • Use positive language

  • Avoid ALL CAPS, shouting is shouting, it’s not kind

  • Don’t over explain, we all get it and are reading these everywhere we go

  • Invite further questions be directed to management and give a contact

Talking to your team about new COVID-19 policies

Remember to clearly communicate with your team what the new policies are. Take time to answer staff questions fully. No one has done this before so be patient and make time to address all issues. Be sure your team knows they can come to management with any questions and that you have their back if anyone is upset or has unusual circumstances.

Taking the time to create a thoughtful Covid-19 policy fosters a positive and safe place for your employees and clients.

Need help with your policy? We are offering a free review for any small business writing a policy. Just email us

Telling Positive Stories During the Coronavirus

We are highlighting positive stories of business owners who are doing what they can to support the community, their staff and their clients.

If you hear of a story that needs told contact us.

We’re telling small business stories because quite frankly they won’t showcase themselves and everyone should know the good they are doing.

Offering Strategy Session Calls

One of our strengths is in assisting small to medium size businesses with organized brainstorm session where they are able to creatively solve problems. We also help teams create content strategies and execution plans. As this outbreak hits we are all in new territory and having the benefit of a third part to assist is crucial. So we are offering free of charge strategy calls for any business owner who needs a listening ear and some calm creative thinking during this time.

Schedule a free call here