What Makes a Successful Social Media Posts?

3 Tips for Writing High-Engaging Social Media Posts

Are you a small business owner or entrepreneur? If so, you know how hard it can be to engage with your audience on social media. Finding the time to create posts or figure out what to post takes time and effort.  

Without a strategy or a guide to writing for social media, it’s possible your posts won’t showcase your business, who you are, and what you do. 

We’ve broken down the steps and simplified how you can create a culture of storytelling through your posts with just a few simple steps and questions. 


3 Steps to Successful Social Media Posts

1. Establish a goal for the post and your content. 

2. Generate story ideas for your social posts.

3. Utilize principles of good storytelling for more engaging posts.

Why is it essential for entrepreneurs to create successful social media posts?

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting businesses, building customer relationships, and creating brand awareness. A well-crafted social media post can generate interest in your business, attract potential customers, and even increase sales. When you create engaging and informative posts that resonate with your target audience, you can build a loyal customer base who will continue to support your business. 

Not only can you use social media to promote your business it also allows entrepreneurs to connect with customers on a more personal level. When you engage with customers through social media posts, you can show that you care about your customers, fostering customer loyalty. In addition, social media is a great place to showcase your expertise, which can help you establish yourself as an authority in the industry.  

Successful social media posts are essential for entrepreneurs, as it can help them build an audience and create a strong presence in the digital world.


1. Establish a goal for the post you are creating.

The first step is to identify and establish a goal for the post or piece of content you’re creating.

What do you want the post to do?

  • Increase engagement?

  • Showcase a product or service?

  • Sell tickets?

  • Increase brand awareness?

  • Provide educational value?

  • Make people laugh?

Each post can be different, but just remember to offer variety, and don’t be that guy trying to sell your stuff. You want to create content that your community wants to engage and connect with, but without a goal for the post, it’s hard to know where to take it.

Chances are, when you establish a goal before you start, you will create straightforward content that’s easy to understand, which means better results for you. 

2. Generate story ideas for your social posts.

This step is often the hardest step for most people because you’re so close to what you’re doing it’s hard to step back and identify the story – here is a list of questions we use to generate story ideas. 

Grab a pen and some paper, and take five minutes to answer these questions. Don’t think too hard about this.  Start by asking yourself these questions about your brand:

  • What makes it unique? 

  • What is it about your brand that people connect with? 

  • What should people know about it? 

  • What value does it bring to the world?

Keep that pen in hand, and grab some sticky notes. Brainstorm stories related to the questions you answered. Don’t think too hard. Set a timer for 8 minutes and write down every idea that comes to mind. The goal is to go fast and sprint to the next idea. 

Think of stories that are stories that are… 

  • Relatable

  • Feature real people - could be customers, employees, or even yourself.

When you tell stories featuring real people, you connect with your audience. And we’re humans; we’ve been hard-wired to crave stories since the beginning of time. 

Look at what other brands and businesses are doing, and note what you like and don’t like. This can be a great source of inspiration for your posts and help you develop fresh and exciting story ideas. Take the time to research and brainstorm story ideas. Then, you can create engaging social posts that genuinely resonate with your audience.

3. Utilize principles of good storytelling for more engaging posts.

In crafting a compelling social media post, harnessing the power of storytelling can be a game-changer. As humans, we are hardwired to crave stories. We want to connect with stories, and people respond to stories.

Incorporate elements of storytelling. Make your story immersive. Paint a picture of universally relatable moments, feelings, dreams, hopes, and challenges, and be authentic.

Use storytelling to evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and, ultimately, resonate with your audience on a deeper level. Whether sharing personal anecdotes, exploring real-life scenarios, or even infusing fiction to illustrate a point, the art of storytelling can transform an ordinary social media post into an unforgettable experience for its audience. You can dive into the 7 Principles of Storytelling here.

Need a little help with How to Brainstorm? Check out How to Use Brainstorming to Create Content.  You probably don’t need a Brainstorm Wizzard for this one, but you can tweak and use the steps and ideas in this blog to understand the basis for a brainstorming session. Read it, and you’ll get the idea.

Want to hear more about this?👇Listen to this episode of Riding Tandem

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