What should I post on business page?

Posting on your business page doesn’t have to be stressful!

Do you find yourself on the struggle bus when posting on your business page? Unsure what fits or what exactly you should share? 

We hear this question all the time. “What do I post?” We’ve listened to it so much that we knew it had to be part of the Social Engagement Method. What is the Social Engagement Method? An online course for busy business owners or to break through the noise, we teach you how to generate real engagement on your Facebook and Instagram. 

You, my friend, have the answer you have been searching for.


What kind of content should you be creating? 

Create valuable content for your audience, but what exactly does that mean

  • Value can look different to different people. Offering value could look like education, tips, tricks, entertainment, or inspiration. 

  • But first, you have to know your story. What is your brand or business story? 

  • Think back to why you got started. What motivated you then? 

  • What do you love to talk about when people ask you what you do? 

  • What do you care about outside of work? 

  • What about your team? 

  • What are you already posting? 

Answer these questions above and evaluate what rises to the top.  Anything recurring? Start with three that matter to you and your business.  We call these three story pillars, take these and begin or continue posting about these three pillars. 

PS: Don’t be that guy who talks about himself the whole time at the BBQ or on social media.  Make it about your audience.


Do you want help with your social media? We got you!

Check out the 👉 Social SideKick!

Monthly done-for-you social media posts that will take your business’s social media pages from below average to awesome!