How to Start a Podcast: From Passion to Platform


10 Tips to Start a Podcast

We’ve had a lot of questions from guests on the Riding Tandem Podcast to acquaintances asking, “How did you start a podcast?”  We sat down with Todd Studer at the Studios on 4th (where the Riding Tandem podcast is recorded and produced) and asked him a few questions about starting a podcast.  We mashed all of our tips together, and here are 10 Tips for starting a podcast. 


10 Tips to Start a Podcast

Are you passionate about something and eager to share your thoughts, stories, or expertise with the world? A podcast might be the perfect avenue for you. Podcasting allows you to connect with an audience, tell engaging stories, and make a positive impact. If you’re overwhelmed by the idea or want to explore the key steps to launching a podcast, we got you.

1. Find Your Passion

If you’re a small business owner, you likely know what you’re passionate about. So, what is that passion? What do you love to talk about or do? It needs to be something that excites and ignites your passion. Whether it's about growing your business, telling positive stories, or exploring a unique topic, your passion will shine through in your content and keep you motivated. 

Get specific with your idea. Are you a therapist? Focus on a topic - grief, self-care for mothers. Are you passionate about animals? Consider a focus on training tips for puppies. Financial guru? You could focus your podcast on building wealth before you’re 35 or how to invest wisely. A specific topic will help you stand out amongst all the other podcasts and find a dedicated fan base. If this is hard to think about, you might not be ready to start a podcast. 

2. Define the Purpose + Goals + Audience 

Determine the purpose of your podcast. Is it to grow your business, add contacts to your email list, educate your audience, entertain, or simply share stories that make you feel good? Define your goals to help shape your content and target your audience effectively.  Do your goals and purpose align with your audience? Do you currently serve that audience? 

3. Format and Cadence 

Will your podcast be a solo act? Will you have a co-host? Will you interview one person for each show or a combination? What will your schedule accommodate? Some shows are bi-weekly, others daily. How often will you release a show? What can you realistically do? Sticking to a schedule and format builds trust with your audience. 

4. Choose a Name + Brand 

Pick a podcast name that reflects the essence of your show and offers some insight into its content. Be sure this aligns with your current brand. Research other podcast names to see what resonates with you and your audience. Be open to adjustments, and remember that the name can evolve with your podcast.

5. Record + Edit

Decide on your recording setup. You can start with a simple setup - a $150 microphone and free editing software like Audacity can get you up and running. Ensure you record in a quiet space to avoid distracting background noise. Background noise and loud interruptions will distract a listener. When editing, be cautious not to entirely remove natural elements, like breathing sounds, as it may make your podcast sound too sterile. Aim to maintain authenticity while improving the pacing and overall quality.

6. The Right Platform

Consider using podcast hosting platforms like, Libsyn, or Anchor. These platforms simplify distributing your podcast to various podcast directories and streaming services. If you plan to run ads on your podcast, check into ad placement capabilities and fees with each to make the right choice for you.

7. Interview and Build Connections

If you plan to conduct interviews on your podcast, work on your interviewing skills to engage and connect with your guests effectively. A compelling conversation will make your podcast more enjoyable and relatable to listeners. Once you’re recording and releasing podcasts, figure out your crutch words, words, and phrases you say over and over. Make a list of them and find alternatives, then practice using the new list of words or phrases in your everyday conversation and review them before recording. 

8. Keep it Personal

Let your personality shine through in your podcast. Whether you prefer short and entertaining stories or longer, in-depth conversations, let your unique style define your show's character.

9. Be a Guest 

Explore opportunities to appear on other podcasts to expand your reach. Interested in being a guest on the Riding Tandem podcast? Click the button below and fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch.

10. Embrace the Journey 

Be patient and persistent. If you start with zero listeners, don't get discouraged. Let the motivation come from your passion, not the number of downloads. Stay authentic and committed to your podcast; people who resonate with your content will eventually find you. Look at Gary Vee. He started with “Wine Library TV,” look at him now. 

Growing a podcast audience takes time. Be patient, consistent, and persistent in promoting your show across various platforms and social media channels. 

Starting a podcast is an exciting journey that allows you to share your passion with the world. With the right tools, dedication, and a commitment to authenticity, your podcast has the potential to make a positive impact and connect with a like-minded community. So, take that leap—your voice deserves to be heard!  


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