Use 16 Personalities to Enhance Team Collaboration

Make Collaboration Easier with a Little Understanding of Yourself and Others

The Secret Sauce: Extraordinary Collaboration Through Personality

In the ever-evolving landscape of teamwork, one thing remains constant: the incredible power of diverse personalities. It’s not just about what we do but how we bring our unique selves to the table that allows creativity to ignite and drive success. 

Why We Use 16 Personalities

Why do we do this? Well, who doesn’t love a personality test?! But for real, we had a difficult client once, and after sitting around trying to figure out their personality type for about an hour, we realized this was silly. From that day on, clients we work closely with would take the 16 Personalities assessment, and we would share our personalities with them. This approach has transformed our interactions, allowing us to tailor our communication and collaboration strategies effectively.


Meet Vivian: The Architect

Vivian is our master of innovation, structure, and grand designs. In her world, every detail matters, and the beauty of a plan lies in its execution. With a mind as precise as a blueprint, Vivian represents the thinkers, strategists, and silent forces that shape our tomorrow. She embodies the essence of meticulous planning and foresight, ensuring every project is built on a solid foundation. Her dedication to perfection is a testament to the importance of thoughtful preparation in achieving extraordinary outcomes.


Boldest of dreamers and bitterest of pessimists, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging of goals.

Workplace: Strategic and rational. Architects have a unique ability to transform complex principles into clear and actionable strategies.

Likes: Problems and questions, rational thinking, data-informed decisions, challenges, being curious, versatility.

These Things Are Hard: Small talk, giving feedback that doesn't sound harsh, can be dismissive of others' emotions, especially when they're facts involved.

So what does this mean? Does it sound like I really don't like people and only care about numbers and goals? I do like people and collaborating - especially when I can use logic and creativity together. I am reliable and capable a very strategic thinker, I can make your life easier with systems. Finding ways to promote innovation and effectiveness.

“Thought constitutes the greatness of man. Man is a reed, the feeblest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed.”

- Blaise Pascal


Meet Machaela: Campaigner

On the other side of the spectrum, we have Machaela, our Campaigner—the heart and soul of our collective journey. Machaela thrives on connections, inspiring change, and bringing out the best in others. Where Vivian builds the scaffolding, Machaela breathes life into it, proving that every dream is worth chasing with fervor and passion. Her enthusiasm and genuine care for people drive us forward, ensuring that every voice is heard and every effort is celebrated.


A free spirit, outgoing and open-minded. Embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others.

Workplace: Creative and adaptable. Campaigners often find ways to make their workplaces more creative, inspiring, and caring.

Likes: People, the BIG picture, staying curious, asking questions, finding the win, brainstorming with others, new ideas, and opportunities, and freedom to explore.

These Things Are Hard: Giving clear marching orders. Organization and staying focused, skipping ahead when something is alluring.

So what does this mean? I've trained myself to use tools for organization, like calendars, asana, notes, and time blocking. I love working with people, collaborating, and new ideas. I do best with deadlines and enjoy when someone can recap what's expected and what's needed - sometimes that person is me.

It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.


The Beauty of Diverse Personalities

Extraordinary collaboration lies in embracing and leveraging each personality's unique strengths. Vivian’s precision and Machaela’s passion are just two examples of how our differences create a dynamic environment. As you explore these profiles, we invite you to see them as mirrors and windows—reflecting your inner workings and offering glimpses into the diverse world around you.

Whether you’re meticulously drafting the blueprint of your next venture or rallying the troops for a cause close to your heart, understanding these personalities can guide you to deeper connections and unparalleled achievements. By recognizing and valuing each person's qualities, we can foster a culture where innovation thrives and collective success is inevitable.

Welcome to a World Where Being Uniquely You is Your Greatest Strength

Embrace your unique personality, for it is the secret sauce that enriches collaboration and drives us all forward.

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